About Me

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chinnari honey
little funny..little emotional.. little sweet..little sour... little intelligent..little stupid... little careful...little careless.. little quite..little mischeif..... little modern...little emotional.. of all these little mad hehehe!!
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♥i am the princess here in my kingdom♥

im a860805y6eisau6gc.gif•♥girL♥•
aNd I want to

go with my head erect,
I want to deserve all men's respect
And in this struggle for fame and
I want to be able to like myself.
I don't want to look at myself and know
That I am a bluster and empty show.
♥im not a perfect gUrL♥

♥im pRetty cLumsy♥
♥anD aLsO im a cRy baby♥
♥I lOve cUte stuFf♥
○•○and everything thAts cOLor pink..○•○
♥i am a simPle giRL♥

that Like'S fashiOn 
♥aNd aLsO have a simPle life♥